Why Video's Are The Way Forward To Get Recruited

ClipHire, June 27th, 2021

Video content saw a rise in 2017 and since then its popularity has increased. With the advancement in technology, it can be asserted that video resumes are the way forward to get recruited in 2021.

More and more recruiters have started using videos while hiring. The reasons for incorporating videos while applying for jobs are numerous. It can help you stand apart from the competitors and also show the recruiter a different side of yours. Therefore, job seekers should consider video resumes and implement them.

Before proceeding on how to make a good video resume, let’s go through its merits and demerits, as video resumes are not for all people and situations.

Pros and Cons of Video Resumes

Video resumes may not always be the right choice for every job application. Here are the pros and cons that will help you decide if sending a video resume is the right thing in that situation.


  1. You have full control of your narrative in a video resume. For instance, if you have some type of employment gap, it is difficult to explain that in your resume. But on the contrary, you can talk about it in the video and explain your situation to the recruiter. Video resumes are more contextual and meaningful than word resumes.

  2. You can attach your video resume to your LinkedIn profile or any personal website. This allows recruiters to see a different side of yours and boosts your chances of getting selected for an interview.

  3. Video resumes are fairly new and most people don’t use them. Therefore, one will not only put you ahead of your competitors but also show that you are technologically advanced and yearning to get a job.

  4. Sending a video resume is an advanced way to get a job. It shows you are updated with the latest trends and are technologically progressive. Although making a video resume may not be possible for some job seekers or may not be an option in certain circumstances, it can still leave an impact or impression on the hiring manager.


  1. As per the hiring rules by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), before shooting a video resume keep in mind the possible concerns your video resume can raise. A major concern is the rejection of a candidate based on race, gender, color, or physical ability.

  2. Video resumes and digital/print resumes go through the same level of inception. A video resume won’t extravagantly highlight your career experiences.

If you have never created a video resume, don’t worry. We have listed some rules and criteria that will enable you to create an outstanding video resume and customize your job application.

How to create a polished video resume

If you want to advance your resume by going forward with video resumes, or you specifically have to send one to a prospective recruiter, make sure you make a good one. A poorly crafted video resume will simply ward off prospective employers and lower down your chances of being shortlisted. By poorly made video resume, we imply bad sound quality, poorly focused image, messy and unprofessional appearance, or dimly lit and noisy background. All these factors can ruin your chances and also serve as a bad impression on the recruiter.

There are certain things that you should keep in mind before creating a video resume

  1. Don’t include any content or out-of-the-topic subject that has no connection with the job or your skills.

  2. Avoid shaky videography. Ensure the lighting is good and the frame steady.

  3. Make sure you have eye contact with the camera. Make the video interactional and engaging.

  4. Avoid excessive movements of the body or hands.

  5. Ensure your background is clean and tidy in the video. A cluttered background will make the video look unprofessional.

  6. Make sure the video resume has only you in the frame. Ensure no people or pets are roaming in the background.

  7. Shoot the video in a noise-free environment. The only sound in the video should be your voice.

Apart from looking good and professional, there are some other major factors to follow while making a video resume.

  1. Be cool in your approach. Being professional doesn’t mean you have to be stoic and uncool. Adding your style will not only make your video engaging but also break the monotony. You can use video editing applications and trim parts of your video resume or add effects like transitions, fade-in and fade-outs, and title cards.

  2. Have a practical approach while creating the video. A long video will only increase the file size making it difficult to upload or mail. It is advised to keep your video under a minute. Moreover, you should opt for a smartphone or an HD camera, if possible, for better video quality.

  3. Don’t be over-appealing in the video. Don’t indulge in acting or delivering a speech-like performance. Don’t exaggerate while talking about your previous achievements and accolades. Be conversational in the video but don’t indulge in bragging or boasting.

  4. In the video resume, don’t just read what is already mentioned in your resume as the recruiters want much more than that. Be informative in your approach. For example, if your area of expertise lies in a certain field like Digital Marketing or Social Media Marketing, do some research and talk about your viewpoints or other information in the video. This will show the recruiter that you have knowledge in your relevant field, which will boost your chances of getting shortlisted or selected.

  5. Recruiters prefer professional video resumes over unprofessional ones. Be yourself, but have a professional approach in front of the camera. By the term professional, we mean your look, way of talking, attire, and behavior. It is important to be well-groomed and dressed up in a suit in the video.

2021 is the year of Digital Content and henceforth digital media especially videos are going to thrive. Thus, being up to date with the latest trends and incorporating videos in your resume will help you land a job faster.

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