Landing Your Dream Job Is Easier Than You Think With ClipHire

ClipHire, June 27th, 2021

ClipHire is a personalized employment platform that helps you create a rejection-proof video to introduce yourself by showcasing your best qualities. Your visual resume will enable employers to see you as a unique candidate beyond your job history.

ClipHire transforms the way hiring is done

In this fast-paced world, where information is abundant, the way we consume content has changed in recent years. Also, the advancement of technology has made people lethargic to read a book rather they choose to watch a short video clip to educate themselves.

People have started to gain confidence in expressing themselves visually and are comfortable recording videos like posting a review for a skincare product or a book or a music clip, sharing outcomes visually helps people understand things better.

The same applies to the job market.

Employers are exhausted screening resumes manually while expecting job seekers to stand out with their unique selling point through a short video clip.

But how can job seekers stand out from other candidates?

A video introduction is the way forward!

Your job history does not tell your whole story. ClipHire allows you to show off who you are as an individual outside of your resume. With a shareable personalized link to your profile, you can send it to anyone which helps you to advance your career and get hired faster.

How can you make sure that you are the one that hiring managers are looking for?

Create a short video clip introducing yourself with your personality, experience, and a unique selling point that will interest the employer to reach out to you. Extra points if you include how you would make their job easier if you join their company!

Now let’s dive into the features of ClipHire

Video Introduction

ClipHire helps you create a short video clip to showcase who you are beyond your resume. All you need to do is introduce yourself, highlight your expertise and explain how you would add value to the company.

Resume Snapshot

ClipHire helps you to share your resume on or off the platform with a shareable personalized link so that everyone and anyone can see your profile (resume) and video introduction.

Verified References

ClipHire allows people to have their references verified by the person they are listing via email. This feature makes the hiring manager's task easier when they know that the references mentioned in the candidate's profile are verified.

In-App Messaging

ClipHire allows hiring managers to schedule interviews without any chaos, helping them to do their jobs effectively. In-app messaging initiates the employer to start a conversation with the job seekers rather than being bombarded with messages.

Calendar Integration

ClipHire helps job seekers to integrate their calendars so that the hiring manager can view them and schedule an interview without leaving the profile behind.

ClipHire is a one-stop destination for job seekers

ClipHire is the quickest and most convenient way to get recruited. The platform compiles all a hiring manager needs to know about a candidate in one place. Hiring managers will be able to watch a video of you, look at your resume, check your references, contact you, and schedule an interview all in one spot.

For job seekers, the recruiting process is already overwhelming enough. Individuals must distinguish themselves from other applicants and stand out. You are not just a resume like on LinkedIn and Indeed.

ClipHire video platform allows you to show off your whole self, so go, get started now!

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