How to Make a Video Resume


A video resume is a powerful tool as it allows you to directly connect to your potential recruiter and convey to them what makes you a fit and qualified candidate for the role. Adding a video resume to your resume and cover letter will make your application strong and impactful. This will help you move ahead of your competitors and also increase your chances of landing a job.

What is a video resume?

A video made by you introducing yourself to the recruiters is termed a video resume. It is sent along with the resume or cover letter. You can use a video resume to highlight your experiences, key skills, personality, creativity, and other facts that make you a suitable candidate for the role applied. A professional and good video resume should be between 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Through a video resume, you can successfully show why you are a fit candidate for the company, which is impossible to showcase through a documented resume.

Considered a powerful tool in 2021, a video resume puts you ahead of your competitors. It is a cutting-edge way to transform a print resume into a powerful and interactive video and create a good first impression on employers. In the video, it is essential to cover major information like educational qualifications, career experiences, and highlights, interests, and skills relevant to the job applied, along with answering the question ‘why you should be hired for the role?’.

Situations where a video resume is needed

Not every job role or situation requires you to submit a video resume. In the following mentioned conditions, you may consider sending a video along with your application.

  • If there is a requirement by the recruiter, then you should record a video resume keeping in mind the job position and company. Some recruiters ask for video resumes consisting of an “elevator pitch” proving your strong candidature. You can also show your personality, which otherwise cannot be seen on your printed resume.

  • The addition of a video resume will help you give a personalized touch to your application. Even if it is not specifically asked by a company, personalizing your application with a video will boost your candidature and help you grab the attention of the recruiters. Moreover, videos are a great way to show your communication skills and persona, which will leave an impact on the recruiter.

  • These days recruiters don’t want resumes exceeding 2 pages. If you have a vast resume, then consider including a video resume summarising your key qualities that are suitable to the job role. This will not only add relevant material to your application but also showcase your key skills to the recruiter. The employer will keep these details in mind while reviewing your resume, cover letter, and other documents, which is a plus point for you.

Not everybody is camera confident. If you are a camera-shy person, you can go for other video resume techniques like “Animated videos”, “Whiteboard video”, and “Stop-motion videos”.

How to create an effective video resume

Creating a video resume is not the same as writing and designing a cover letter and resume. It is a whole different procedure consisting of preparation, technicality, visual communication, and editing. The below-listed steps will help you create a professional and interactive video resume

  1. Pen down a script - The first and foremost step before recording a video is planning how you want the video to look and accordingly writing a script. Pivotal factors to consider are if you want to simply sit or stand and speak in front of the camera, and show your skills using action shots. If you want action in the video, then you should chronologically write down each step. Apart from considering how the video will look, you should also plan what you will say in it. You can either sound rehearsed or conversational. If you want a conversational video then jot down in bullet points your specific skills, qualifications, and experiences that you want to highlight in the video. If you want the video to be rehearsed and polished then write down exactly all that you want to convey. Use action verbs to write an impactful speech.

  2. Choose your backdrop - It is advisable to use an area with light-colored background and good lighting. You don’t want your video to look dark, so avoid dimly lit spaces. Use props to populate the background, if you want action shots in the video. Avoid any second person or animal populating the background while filming the video.

  3. You need a video platform - First, choose a recording device to make sure your face is clear and speech is audible. It can either be a smartphone, computer, tablet, or camera, any device that helps record high-quality video and audio. While filming, set your device far enough to capture your whole profile and high enough to obtain your face and shoulders in the frame. In the case of action shots, ensure your whole frame is captured in the camera.

  4. Give it several takes - Don’t record one take and finalize on it. That’s not how a good video resume is made. Using your script, record different segments of your video. Make sure you record numerous takes using different vocal tones, facial expressions, and hand movements so that you appear comfortable and the video looks engaging and polished.

  5. Editing the video - Review all the takes that you have captured and compile the best ones. Refer to your script to cut and compile the footage that fits your outline. Additionally, you can add visuals of your awards and achievements under the relevant audio to demonstrate your accolades. Use an editing application or software to cut, categorize and compile the video.

  6. Feedback for betterment - Before submitting or sending the video resume, get feedback from your friends, colleagues, co-workers, or mentors. Ask them to review your video resume and accordingly make the changes and improvise your final product. This will help you create a powerful and strong video resume and have an impact on the recruiter.

Sending a video resume along with your job application shows you are technologically advanced and dedicated to the role that you are applying for. With videos becoming the new norm, it is advisable to include video resumes and increase your chances of hiring.

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