How To Stand Out From The Crowd Of Job Applications in 2021

ClipHire, July 6th, 2021

In the present job market scenario, finding a new job has become even more competitive and frustrating. The most important thing for employees entering the job market is to stand out as outstanding to the recruiters. These employers are more interested in applicants who have something unique to offer apart from others who are identified by their qualifications solely.

There are hundreds of applications for each job opening that flood the desks and inboxes of hiring managers. Then, sorting these resumes and identifying the right candidate is a tedious and time-consuming task. To reduce the burden of this task, most organisations have come up with integrated applicant tracking systems. ATS helps to weed out the resumes that are not up to par or are not skilled before entering the recruiter's desk.

There is a new necessity to develop your resume to stand out to an applicant tracking system (ATS) and hiring managers. This need makes resume writing, particularly during a pandemic, a juggling act of elegance, practicality, keywords, formatting, and plain old making-the-point-clear techniques.

So, how do you pass through the ATS to reach out to the recruiter?

Don't be concerned! It is possible, ensure that your resume gets through the Applicant Tracking System and into the hands of human hiring managers if you follow the right recipe.

You are required to tailor your resume to all your audiences for it to stand out from the crowd. It should not only be easy to read for humans, but it should also include the keywords that an ATS is searching.

Most employers spend about 6 seconds checking each resume after it passes through the applicant tracking system. You might be a strong candidate for that position, but you are not the only one. You could have all of the necessary credentials, a convincing track record to discuss, and a winning personality. But there is a good chance that some other candidates would as well.

So, how do you make yourself stand out from the crowd? How do you demonstrate that you are willing to go beyond and above – that you deserve the work more than your competitors?

Luckily, ClipHire helps you by providing tips that you can use in the current scenario that make your resume (written and video) stand out!

Let's first see why interviewers ask “What sets you apart from other candidates?”

Interviewers are keen to learn about your specific skills whether it helps to get the job done according to their requirements. So, what do you bring to the organisation that no one else can? That is what the hiring manager needs to hear. You can utilise this chance to showcase yourself by proving to the point that you are the one.

Companies employ people who help them by providing solutions like increasing sales or retaining a brand. Show them that you can solve it better than anyone else when you offer your answer. You can demonstrate to them why you are the best in your profession by creating a video resume.

So, how do you create a video with the right information to stand out from other candidates?

To impress with your job application, you will have to focus on the most critical aspect of the situation: the employer's interests.

Preparing for this question is straightforward

Research: Create a list of the job requirements, see whether the company has their list. If not, try to gather from other similar job postings and look what employers are looking for when hiring - job requirements could include role, skills, personality traits and qualifications.

Prepare a list of skills: Compare your identified skills and qualifications to the list you have created according to the requirements. Highlight the strengths that relate to the job requirements and use them to pitch the answer about what makes you stand out among all other job seekers.

Think how to out-do other candidates: Try to anticipate what other people might say when you collect information and list your credentials. Consider what other people value about you, share examples that demonstrate your skill and how you can outperform everyone else in these areas.

Unique qualities: Find out one or two qualities, skills or experience that makes you unique from other people and bring it to the table.

Stay on track: When you are ready to answer what makes you stand out among other employees, try to stay on topic and relevant to the job applied for without any deviation.

Tips to consider while answering the question “what sets you apart?”

As you have prepared few lists and have an idea, let us focus on how to answer them:

Work examples: Consider any impressive past achievements or career goals that demonstrate your dedication to the field with a growth mindset.

Impress your employer in action: If you do not have any relevant experience, try to prove by showcasing your skills which helps them to get their job done. For example, if a company is looking for their website to reach the front page of google search, what you can do is? Create a strategy for six months that will result in the desired outcome and convince them. It builds an impression on you among recruiters by helping them understand your growth mindset.

Keep it short: Make sure your answer is not too long and exhausting. Keep it crisp and to the point.

Employer's interest: Impress them with your qualities that they can use to further their goals.

Inculcate these tips while creating a video resume using ClipHire!

Finally, let's focus on how to write a resume that will pass through the ATS scan

Sort your resume: Divide your resume into clear parts or sections so that your future employer knows where to look for the details that matter most to them. Place your section headers as visible as possible, both in terms of positioning and marking. Employers don't want to toss your resume aside because they can't find the relevant details.

Select the appropriate font: The font on your resume is extremely important because it is the first thing the reader can note. It establishes the tone for your resume and communicates the intent of your application. Use a font that appears to be professional and is easy to read by a machine. In your vital details, avoid using special characters like fancy bullet points or ampersands. For example, Times New Roman, Verdana and Arial are among the fonts that appear professional.

Required skills: Focus and pay attention to the job postings to tailor your qualifications according to the job position. If the job requires a lot of technical knowledge, enhance your hard skills in your skill portion. Include soft skills like "communication" and "leadership" if the job is like sales or account management. Your skills section is the best place to double-check that your resume's keywords fit the ATS's requirements. Make your resume as simple as possible: Simple formatting, short sentences and bullet points, and avoiding clichés are all good to start. A few sentences about your experience, keep it short that proves yourself as a professional right away. Buzz phrases irritate hiring managers! Make every word stand out to entice the reader to continue reading the rest of your resume.


It is hard to figure out how to make your resume stand out. You must write in such a way that both a machine and a person would be impressed. Fortunately, with the right tools, strategies, and resources, you can get through these barriers and maximise your chances of landing the dream job.

Happy career hunting!

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